Welcome to the Blog!

Published on 2024-08-17 by Humbie

Finally, after weeks of procrastination, I've actually made my blog! In order to make it easier for me to create blog pages, I searched the internet for a "static site generator", and I found a relatively lightweight one that's written in Python! So, after tinkering with the Python script, HTML files, and CSS files, I only need to write blog posts in a text editor as a Markdown file, and run the script through the terminal to render the posts! This should drastically minimize the time it takes for me to write a blog post.

So, let's get to the purpose of this blog. If you've read my about page, you should know that I created this blog in order to improve my English writing skills. I've always thought that I was pretty fluent in English, however, recently I've noticed that I've been frequently making grammatical mistakes. It also takes me a lot more time to formulate a sentence that properly expresses my thoughts. This is true for both my English writing and speaking ability. It was probably caused by the lack of opportunities for me to speak and write in English, recently. After all, my reading and listening skills haven't degraded due to constant exposure to English media. Thus, I set out to create this site so that I can "train" my brain to better write in English. (I also planned to frequent the game "VRChat" (which can be played without a VR headset) to improve my speaking ability, however, I still haven't built up the motivation to create an avatar and speak to random strangers.)

I'm sure some of you might be wondering what my blog posts will be like. I plan to write blog posts that center on a single topic that I find interesting to talk about. I'll do this in the hopes that by focusing on a single topic, I'll be able to improve my ability to express all of the thoughts I have on a topic in a clear and concise manner. However, please don't expect the posts to have a profound message or expect them to have an essay-level quality, haha. After all, I'm still quite bad at writing in English. The next post should be coming out quite soon, since I already have a topic that I want to write about. But, don't expect posts to have consistent schedule, as I need to juggle writing these posts with my actual day-to-day life.

Lastly, if you've read my about page, you'll also know that below these posts, there'll be a comment section. However, it turns out that it's quite hard to implement a comment section on a static site without embedding one from a third-party service. So, instead, I've opted to use "CryptPad", an open-source "Google Docs" alternative, to create a form for you to submit your comments. If I have the motivation, I'll probably create a comment section and a Python script to automatically read the spreadsheet generated by the form, and convert it into Markdown files that the "makesite" script can interpret.

Write your comment here!